Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Evaluation Criteria- measuring success

When we started brainstorming solutions, we realized we couldn't just pick our favorites or the ones that seemed easiest to implement. Based on the original project proposal from Sarvajal, research and our understanding of sustainability as not only environmentally responsible but appropriate for the site, culture, economy and materials available to us, we developed a set of Evaluation Criteria that can be used to measure the potential value of a particular solution. These are factors that we plan to consider not only in brainstorming ideas, but in evaluating the results of our research in-country. By applying the same criteria to multiple solutions we will be able to compare them side-by-side and make well thought out recommendations to our client.

Piramal Pilot Evaluation Criteria:

1) Practical Considerations
Scalability- Taking into account the variability of franchisee locations, surroundings and availability of land and local resources, where might this solution be appropriate (urban versus rural) and could it easily be scaled to multiple locations?
Viability- What is the expected life-span of the solution? Can it be reasonably constructed, implemented and maintained by entrepreneurs? What materials are needed and are they available locally? And what are the long term implications for the triple bottom line.
Short-term feasibility- Will the Master’s Project team be able to implement pilot solutions and collect useful data within the project timeline and budget?
Suitability- Does it sufficiently address the problem? And how does it compare to “business as usual?”

2) Economic Considerations
Cost effectiveness- What are the long- and short-term costs associated with this solution (both capital and maintenance costs)? Conduct a cost/benefit analysis.
Added economic value- Is there potential for an additional business opportunity, either as an extension of the entrepreneurs current work or in partnership with other local entrepreneurs (job creation)?

3) Social Considerations
Community value- Does the proposed solution build a sense of community or pride for local residents? Does it add value to franchisee locations as a gathering place to strengthen ties and communication within a community?
Cultural sensitivity- Does the solution account for the local and cultural context? And is it culturally feasible for entrepreneurs and community members to engage with and be accepting of the idea?

4) Environmental Considerations
Does the solution not only prevent environmental degradation but seek to improve the environmental quality of the region and watershed? What are the short- and long-term impacts on water, land and air quality in both local and global contexts? What is materials footprint of supplies needed to implement and maintain this solution?